Support from the Coventry Foundation: October 2023

Welcome! We're tracking 297 Jaguar XJ220 cars, with 4,040 photos! (Learn More) > latest

What's New on XJ220Data the Past 7 Weeks?

Jump to: New Photos | New Cars | Updated Cars | New Comments | New Owners

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New Photos rss

The following cars have had photos added in the past 7 weeks (one photo of each below, click for more):

1 August 2024:

New Cars rss

These cars have been added in the past 7 weeks:

picturesModelYearCar #EngineGearboxBodyBuild DateCurrent ColorConditionSeen
Thursday, 1 August 2024
picturesXJ220 LHD  Coupe1993 SAJJEAEX8AX2207196A 10081 SB 206 178 18 June 1993 Spa Silver Exc. Original 2024 United States

Updated Cars rss

These cars have had their "dataplate" information updated in the past 7 weeks:

picturesModelYearCar #EngineGearboxBodyBuild DateCurrent ColorConditionSeen

Comments on Cars rss

New comments added to cars on the site in the past 7 weeks:

1 August 2024:

New Comments on Other Site Content

New comments added on other site content in the past 7 weeks:

No comments on other content in the past 7 weeks.

New Owners

The following folks added themselves in the past 7 weeks:

No new owners listed in the past 7 weeks.